Friday 6 September 2019

Mindset shift - Does thin = healthy?

Healthy and strong, that is my goal now. Do I have a number in mind for the scale? Sure. But the number is artbitrary. I chose it for the purpose of my WW account. I have been that number. Actually - and ironically - when I was last that number I thought I was fat. 

I have been thinking a lot about how thin and healthy aren't always the same thing. People do insanely unhealthy things in the name of being thin. When I was thin (back in my teenaged years) I was anaemic, I had dizzy spells, and was easily tired and far from physically strong. To be clear, I was not starving myself or any of that. I ate 3 meals a day, every day. I just don't think I was eating the right things.

Funny enough, when I was at my heaviest post-pregnancy weight a few years ago (2016). I was easily tired, had dizzy spells and headaches, and the only thing that made me at all physically strong was carrying around that extra weight. I was eating 3 meals a day and "snacks" and I was definitely not eating the right things. I mean I would add veggies to mac 'n cheese and such in an effort to make things more "healthy" but who was I kidding?

These similarities got me thinking about my desire to be "thin again". I really wasn't much better off back then. I actually feel better now, 40-50lbs heavier than I was then. 

I have a new attitude toward my body now. Sure I would like to be slim or trim or thin, but that is no longer my priority. Becoming healthy and strong means I I am becoming more slim and trim, buy it doesn't mean I will be thin or skinny again. And I am becoming more and more okay with that. It's a process, like anything else. A journey towards the realization that being thin never made me happier, even though being heavier may have made me miserable. And as I get older I I have no doubt that strong and healthy will serve me much better than thin. I don't want to be the frail old lady afraid to fall and break something. I want to be the kickass granny running around showing up all the young folk!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely inspiring! Gen, I couldn't agree more! Can't wait to be strong and fit grannies together showing them kids how it's done <3
