Wednesday, 24 July 2019

When grattitude is the attitude


The word brings up thoughts of Thanksgiving, sitting around the table with family and going around one-by-one saying what we are thankful for. But gratitude is about more than being thankful. It's about appreciating what we have even if it isn't exactly what we want and appreciating those around us who help us in often imperceptible or overlooked ways every day.

An exercise in gratitude.

Last month, I joined a challenge set forth on the Weight Watchers social platform, Connect, by another member. A 4 week journaling challenge with 3 daily questions: 

1) What are you grateful for? 
2) What are you proud of? 
3) What are you looking forward to? 

Seems straight forward, right? Let me tell you, when you are in a negative mindset or a mindset of want and nothing is enough, it is not so easy. At least not at first. The first few nights took a lot of thought and I started by being grateful for a person (or group of people) in my life. Those go-tos: mom, friends, family, daughter, Connect, but once those were done I had to think harder. What did I have in my life that made things better - things that others might no be so lucky to have? As the weather grew hotter I was grateful for air conditioning. I like to take long walking adventures on weekends and after work and often end up eating out in the summer - grateful for restaurants with healthy options to keep me on track with my fitness and weight loss goals.

Once you get started, it is a total shift in your focus. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, you begin to look for the things you are grateful to have and appreciate them a little more. There are so many things to be grateful for in our lives - things we often take for granted. Though we might not have the home of our dreams, we have a roof over our heads - a shelter from the rain, the cold of winter and the sometimes intense heat of summer. There is food in our fridge and pantry - we don't go to sleep hungry unless it is our choice to. Our bodies might not look like the images we see in magazines and on television - we may have a few pounds to shed, but our bodies carry and support us through our day. I am healthy - not everyone is so lucky. I have a job - whether I love it or hate it, many people don't even have one to hate. Every day I am blessed. I wake up with my health, in a bed, in an apartment and I have food in the fridge to pack a lunch and clothes to wear. There are people in other parts of the world - and some right here in my city that cannot say the same. 

Sheryl Crow had it right, peeps! I dare you to take the challenge above and answer those 3 questions even just for a week. Answer those questions every night and see how your mindset changes as your focus shifts from what you don't have to appreciating what you do. It's liberating! 🤗💗


  1. Awesome thinking and self-challenge... truly not an easy task

  2. I am working on this, but the reminder was necessary. Thanks for sharing.
